I have been invited to speak at the LVDC on behalf of Project you | Empowering Women in Business to aid in Empowering women and benefiting The Shade Tree
(One of my very favorite subjects!!)
Mine is the ultimate story of female empowerment – I come from a long line of “Good employees” where “getting a good job” was always emphasized as a goal and of course, getting a college education.
I tried college for a minute, but it didn’t really light me up. I forged my own path by first, traveling and singing in a pop band and ultimately discovering interior design in my early 20’s. And I KNEW.. right away, Interior Design was my calling.
My story is about strength and courage and the power and wisdom of following my own intuition – no matter what “they say..”
I was fortunate to have worked with several very inspiring women at the start of my career who “showed me the way.” They had their own voice, their own passion and they were calling all the shots. This appealed to me on a deep level!
There has always been a ceiling for women in the workplace, and I firmly believe, the only way to get rid of it is to start your own business!!
NOW, more than ever, it is a critical time to support other women.
It is long overdue for women to rise up and take charge of our futures.
Our rights are being challenged all over the world and if we don’t speak up and take action, we may find ourselves back in the 50’s or worse.. It has already begun.
Empowering women in business is everything right now
I won’t go into my past struggles, as there were plenty and that would make this blog a novel. Entrepenuership is not an easy path, but it is worth it.
This is about the “hair and now.” ( In case you didn’t see or hear me shouting from the rooftops, Recently, I shaved my head and and iI alternate wearing wigs and going “au natural” Whatever my mod is for the day! and it is hella empowering.. lol
Yes, I really did it ! – like we ALLLLL have been tempted to do at some time or another.. or at least of those of us with “bad hair.” Highly recommended )
I hope you can join me and fellow panelists for a day dedicated to the empowerment of women – Please join us for what is sure to be a Lively Panel discussion!
To be in the company of such inspiring and powerful women delivers hope. Come join us for a fun and inspiring day!